Tuesday, 2 April 2024

Lighthouse Poole Open Exhibition

This acrylic painting was selected for the Poole Open Exhibition at the Lighthouse Theatre in Poole. It opened on April 12th 2024.  

Below is a favourite painting of Poole which I have posted before but I am sitting facing it here in France where it sits in pride of place as a lovely reminder of a very special meal. Its the Kitchen in Poole Park. In the days when we were able to dine out we had a six course meal there once. We were so impressed we took family and friends there. Small delicious nouveau cuisine dishes with matching wine. The kitchen has change hands since and is quite different, we pop in for coffee sometimes and enjoy the view over the lake.


Strada chllenge january 2024 and some tatting


I am nearly up to date now with recording my art since I moved over to Instagram and stopped using this blog. Instagram could disappear and this is a good record for me.The last post on this group was the orange and yellow cups painting which did disappear on instagram. my fault I think but it made me think. I am in France now and its cold and the beginning of April 2024 and I have just had good news. more in the next post.

Strada Challenge 2023


The Strada easel challenge provided motivation for September 2023. Painting every day for a month.

Summer 2023 Arts and Crafts


2024 Summer Months Spent in France
The stable is bright annd airy, we have had connected to the main house, and modernised, now painted white with a solid floor and double glazing. It makes a wonderful  studio and I can enamel and make jewellery such as this ring and the earrings. I also did a little glass foiling and wire wrapping an oil painting before returning to winter in the UK


Friday, 29 March 2024

Instagram Challenges

 I have deserted this blog for a while and put all my effort into my account on Instagram as the challenges there were great for motivation. There is much on there to see but here some of the first months of  2023

Thursday, 28 March 2024

A Catch Up

 I think Instagram took me away from this Blog, hardly anyone finds this blog anyway but it is useful to me to remember where the time went.The last post was in August 2022so i had a look at my log.

I finished the restaurant at Poole Park which I framed for our living room here in France. I had to use whatever I could find but it looks ok

Next i tried an experiment with my 50 year old smelly guitar oil pastels and acrylic gloss layers. Its the restaurant at Mornac sur Seudre in France

Next came an acrylic of the Pont Vecchio in Florence which drove me nuts, too many windows but I was asked to paint it by my husband who wanted to keep me busy I think!
and I found a frame for it
This completed the work for 2022 until I started the Strada Challenge in January