Saturday, 15 May 2021

A Dog in Oils

 I enjoyed painting this A3 size work in oils. Its for a friend's daughter, I hope she likes it. I would quite like to do more so let me know if you want one. The colours on my monitor are subdued. The green is brighter in real life.

Thursday, 15 April 2021

Van Gogh's Chair

I used acrylics and pastels and layers of fix to create this copy of Van Goghs chair on A3 acrylic paper. Quite pleased with it so will sort out a frame.

Friday, 9 April 2021

 February .. I just had to paint a landscape after a month of painting still lifes for the Strada Easel challenge. I was till indoors in lockdown so I watched a Tony Allain pastel video organised by the Mall Galleries and then painted it myself in mixed media this morning. Very chocolate box but enjoyed it. Unfortunately I now need to replace some sennelier oil pastels! Expensive hobby painting !

I used this to influence my own painting 'The Station House' in oil pastel.


 George Stubbs Copy

An interesing exercise in pastels

More Still Life 

There hasnt been much chance for getting out to paint and I have wanted to improve my direct observation skills anyway so here are some still lifes painted in January

 April 2021 already!!! Its ages since I blogged. Lockdown has meant that I have had plenty time to paint and sew.

I decided to do a few textile paintings for use as Christmas cards. I have sent the first to family and friends and have another couple ready for the next 2 years! From the poular traditional Christmas song A partridge in a pear tree, two french hens, three calling birds