Thirty Works
What a time, all our plans turned upside down and the world in lockdown with Coronavirus.
I am keeping busy with crafts and art and stamps and trying to keep food getting to us while under lockdown. I have accepted a challenge to do 30 works in April. Here they are
The world is under lockdown due to Corona virus. This is the challenge for the first day, what work would I be scared to make? I need sympathy cards and are not advised to leave the flat for 11 more weeks except for one walkI am scared to make these because I already need one and may need more. I have to make some.
An interesting challenge, I immediately thought of the Triang dolls house I used to have but decided that a more contemporary home was required so I chose our local pub which we miss but don't visit much nowadays and arn't allowed to anyway at the moment under lockdown. Pubs are shut, all that beer will be going stale. A small painted model of our local pub with its green tiled exterior, tall chimneys and irregular windows
What do you need to make your work?
Basically I need to breathe, something that I have to work a bit harder at nowadays and especially with the current threat of coronavirus and previously with pollution in the Midlands. A pen line illustration of a head in silhouette with the words I need air throughout. Air swirls outside the face in colourful patterns with the clearest entering the mouth
Todays brief is to cheat. So today I decided to work from an excellent demo by a generous artist
Robert Brindley RSMA who is sharing his technique. Not really cheating but cheating myself by being lazy and not original. Its not finished as tea arrived and the settee is more comfy so I'm settled now to watch TV. Its taken all day as many layers need to dry during the session. Still its great to focus on this and not the terrible news. Playing Scrabble online too with many strangers who are trying to to beat me, he he! I will call it 'the second walk' as we are only allowed one a day under lockdown, two walks would be cheating but I don't suppose this man would meet anybody.

What does failure look like to me ? Well "failure" is the actual brief itself, what a negative brief to set when we all need cheering up while social distancing, and on such a lovely day when everyone could be out enjoying themselves!!! So here's my response, FAILURE today would be all my little people
not social distancing. These little characters exist to raise money for
Shine Cancer Support which helps young adults in their 20s 30s and 40s
I never finished this post with the rest of the works but here are some more textile works. I received a certificate eventually for finishing. It was good to have the distraction. I also made masks at this time as part of a group.